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Business Advisory Council (BAC): A Vision for Enhancing Competitiveness in Egypt

Business Advisory Council (BAC): A Vision for Enhancing Competitiveness in Egypt

Business Advisory Council (BAC): A Vision for Enhancing Competitiveness in Egypt

BAC Overview, History, and Strategic Objectives
The Business Advisory Council (BAC) is an advisory body established at the initiative of the Egyptian National Competitiveness Council (ENCC) with the aim of enhancing Egypt's competitiveness, an initiative that aims to reform the business climate in Egypt by facilitating regulatory and legislative procedures related to the business environment in Egypt.
Since its inception, BAC has provided a forum for consultation with the business community in Egypt, with the aim of gathering private sector views and suggestions on regulatory reforms. The Council aims to achieve efficiency by providing practical recommendations to improve the legislative and regulatory environment that affects the business climate in Egypt and thus its impact on the country's competitiveness.

The role of business organizations in shaping the future of the Egyptian economy
Business associations, federations, councils and chambers play a vital role in shaping the future of the Egyptian economy through active participation in BAC activities. The Council is a platform that brings together representatives of the private sector, state institutions and civil society to consult and collaborate on solutions to regulatory and economic challenges.
Through their membership in BAC, these associations, unions, councils and chambers contribute to providing practical insights and suggestions to improve the business environment. The Council provides members with an opportunity for direct group communication with government agencies and officials, enabling them to express their problems and needs in a unified and effective manner. Private sector participation also contributes to enhancing transparency and accountability in the decision-making process.

The Role and Importance of BAC in Representing the Business Community and Improving the Business Climate in Egypt
BAC is an important tool to enhance economic competitiveness in Egypt by representing the opinions and interests of associations, unions, councils and chambers of business. The Council acts as a bridge between the private sector and government, enabling a constructive dialogue through which challenges and obstacles facing the business sector can be expressed and contribute to the formulation of necessary policies and reforms.
Through the BAC, representatives of the business community are able to influence government decisions related to regulatory and legislative reforms, helping to create an enabling business environment that supports economic growth. Teamwork through the Council enhances the power of the influence of business associations, federations and chambers, and ensures that the voice of the private sector is heard in the decision-making process.

The importance of BAC in enhancing economic competitiveness in Egypt
BAC is an important tool to enhance Egypt's economic competitiveness. By working to improve the regulatory and legislative environment, the Council helps raise productivity and support economic growth. Reforming the regulatory and legislative aspects related to the business environment in Egypt contributes to creating a favorable business environment that encourages domestic and foreign investment.
One of the strategic objectives of the BAC is to provide a forum for public-private dialogue, contributing to identifying obstacles to the effective implementation of reform efforts and making practical suggestions to overcome these obstacles. The Council also contributes to assessing the economic and social impact of government policies and programs, which enhances the transparency and efficiency of these policies.

In conclusion, the Business Advisory Council (BAC) represents a new vision to support competitiveness in Egypt, by gathering the opinions and suggestions of the private sector and working to reform the regulatory and legislative aspects related to the business environment in Egypt.
The participation of associations, federations and chambers of business in BAC is essential to shaping the future of the Egyptian economy and enhancing the business environment, thus contributing to driving economic growth and achieving sustainable development. Through public-private sector cooperation, BAC can be a powerful lever to enhance the overall competitiveness of the Egyptian economy.


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